10 cars participated in the Scarecrow Rally today. Welcome to the clubs newer members who participated today. We had an enjoyable and relaxing day. And yes, we did spot some scarecrows.
Gympie Goldrush Car Show and Street Parade
Aero Open Day – Gympie 7.8.2016
Gympie Aero Club Open Day Kybong 7/8/16
What a great day this was !! GHAC had a good roll-up but was only one of a number of car clubs in attendance. However the wide range of cars and motorbikes on display paled almost into insignificance with the incredible number and variety of aeroplanes on show on the ground and airborne, from a C130 to home built. GHAC “christened” our new(ish) gazebo and very new club banners. (The hardware for the latter was kindly donated by Barry McLean, .thanks Barry.)
4 Club Rally 2016
The 4 Club rally was fantastic. A superb weekend, thanks South Burnett Club. Good driving, great company, beautiful food and wonderful weather. What more could anyone want? We also visited ‘Vintage Rims’ and saw how the rims are made. It takes passion and patience to produce the finished product. Wow, what an intriguing process.